The conversion of Truth into doctrine needs to be replaced by the Truth spoken in a rhemaThe conversion of Truth into doctrine causes problems. I’ve found that Doctrine is a work of man to convert Truth into policy. The Spirit told me that the problem is the codification of scripture. The conversion of Truth into doctrine needs to be replaced by the Truth spoken in a rhema.

The Holy Spirit can work with scripture freely. He wrote it. With a doctrine, it’s all rigid. It really limits the Truth by fitting it into a man-made structure. The mainline churches teach from doctrine, about doctrine. Often, the rigidity of doctrine takes the life out of it.
We need to talk about this. As churches have been reduced to spectator events, rhema is needed to touch the people. The specific word needed for the particular purpose which we know as the sword of the Spirit, the rhema of God. Only the Holy Spirit can do that. He can anoint a sermon so that it touches many people in many different ways with the same spoken word. It’s amazing.

The conversion of truth into doctrine

One of the major things I have experienced since I met Jesus, and was recreated, is the freedom of the personal communication with Him. One of the my joys has been realizing the complexity of what the Holy Spirit placed in the Bible. I’d read a paragraph or two in Isaiah and see that part of it was directed to Israel before the captivity, part was talking about the suffering servant, part was the reigning King, and part was the final recreation of the entire universe. The Holy Spirit shows me the intricacies as I read it.

It was nothing like the biblical quotes I found in the liturgy. That glorious life was not part of the creeds, the catechism, or the written doctrines of the denomination. They were rigid pieces to be memorized, not words of life.

It wasn’t that they weren’t true. It was that they were written specifically to stop discussion by setting rigid doctrine. When contrasted with the living word of scripture, they were a cold fish.

But that’s all the liturgical church has. Because they don’t require or teach about the new birth from God, they do not have the internal communication with the Holy Spirit which is the natural result of that new birth. Usually they don’t believe it is possible.

Therefore they can not experience the truth of what John wrote in his first letter, “the anointing which you received from him abides in you, and you have no need that any one should teach you; as his anointing teaches you about everything, and is true, and is no lie, just as it has taught you, abide in him.” [1 John 2:27 RSV] The Holy Spirit might reword that in a particular group as an explanation instead of a quote, “The Holy Spirit covers everything we need to know, telling us the Truth with no lies, so we should remain in Him, as He has suggested.”

The result has been that the Holy Spirit is replaced with the seminary education. It’s a travesty of the saddest kind. All I can say is, “Forgive them, Lord, for they know not what they do.”

They need to experience the Holy Spirit converting scripture into what works today for your particular audience. Plus, you miss the humor of the Lord.