The church needs the Holy Spirit more than ever in the time of the Great Delusion and Falling Away.The church needs the Holy Spirit more than ever in the time of the Great Delusion and Falling Away. God’s plan comes to fruition in the Bride of the Messiah. The revelation of the Kingdom of God continues to unfold.

Throughout Paul’s letters he sees the church as a great mystery, unseen in the Tanakh (the Jewish Bible). In some ways, it still is. Have you considered that people who meet the Lord in the Great Tribulation will not be Christians, but Messianic Jews? Most church members left behind will join the new World Church in the Great Tribulation. Those who escape that lie will turn to Yeshua Messiah, be martyred,  and help Him rule from the throne in Jerusalem during the Millennium.

The Bride is complete when Yeshua comes to pick up His Betrothed, to take her back to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, to be one with her forever in a true spiritual marriage. There will be no stragglers who will join in later.

Why does the church need the Holy Spirit more now?

Only the Holy Spirit can lead each of us through the maze of lies and deception as the world prepares for the AntiChrist. The church needs the Holy Spirit to discern who knows the Lord and who does not. You need the Holy Spirit to confirm the first three paragraphs of this essay. I’m doing everything I know how to do to step out of the Lord’s way, so that He can keep all of this on track in Truth. But I’m just a reborn drug-crazed flower child from the tuned in drop outs of the late sixties.

If Yeshua lets me publish this, I assume that He will give you discernment to understand it, by His Spirit. But we have to know Yeshua on this level to be part of the bride. All of us, in the church, know the Lord through the Holy Spirit. That’s the core of our relationship. The religious do not have that kind of relationship, and they are not part of the Bride.

Ta, ta…see you there.