Endtime truths to prepare you seem to be necessaryEndtime truths to prepare you seem to be necessary as no one seems to have a grip on what is coming. Life as you have known it is over.

The Lord is giving me things you need to know. We have entered into the time just before the end. You need to know what is coming. You need to open up to the Lord and let Him speak to you. If you do not know how to do that, open your mouth and pray,

Jesus, show me how you want the two of us to communicate in these last days.

He will be pleased you asked, and teach you how to react. The Lord has a unique way for you to talk with Him. My way won’t work for anyone but me. That is true of you also. But you need to be ready for things coming, like the outlawing of the Bible. You need to be able to hear the Lord, by the Holy Spirit, so you can be kept safe and fruitful until the time we are called up to be with Jesus forever.

Endtime truths to prepare you to open yourself to the Messiah

Until you do that you will continue to be battered around by the events of the day. You must learn to relax in the sure knowledge that our Messiah has it all under control.

Remember the assassination attempt. It was allowed by the Lord for a specific purpose—maybe this. There are many more surprises coming. We’ve been chosen to live in Bible Times.


If you have not done this already, you need to find out what the Lord is calling you to do before the end. This is why you were born when you were, to the parents the Lord gave you. He has been setting up your life to do specific things. Ask Jesus what they are.

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