Christian discipleship resources free is a service I’ve wanted to add for a long time. I’ve done quite a few things along this line, but never gathered them together. They come from both blogs: Skilled Workman and Reality Calling.

Christian discipleship resources free

Are you called to write Christian fiction?Called to Write Christian Fiction

This is a page on Reality Calling
offering a free PDF of a small book
on discovering, testing, and implementing
your call to write.

Plus, it covers how your vision differs from your call and what to do about that.

Meeting Jesus today is an introduction to the most amazing man who ever livedIf you want to meet Jesus

This is just a quick introduction
to my best friend, and Lord.
It’s just a simple six-step process
which you can do privately,
Any time you’re ready.

You won’t believe what you’ve been missing.

Knowing Jesus personally in daily livingKnowing Jesus personally in daily living

It’s quite possible this level of intimacy
with Jesus is required.
It’s certainly one of the major things
in which Jesus hopes you’ll get involved.

He’s a wonderful man, and an incredible Lord.

How to Study Scripture and why free PDFHow to Study Scripture

This is a short PDF booklet to expand on the material covered in one of my top three posts for the past ten years.

Simple stuff like: What is the Bible?
Where do I start?
How do I study?
Where do I find what I’m looking for?


Receiving the Baptism of the Holy Spirit

This page explains what this is and how to receive it.

You may not think you need it,
but please believe me—you do.
As Paul wrote, these are those “perilous times”.
This power you can receive will help you immensely.

A fiery old book to help you with the process of rebirthTapping Into Christian Power Daily

This is a PDF of a fiery book for new believers to get them walking in power as quickly as they can handle it. It’s not a comfortable book—more like a “slap upside the head” kinda read. The download is meant to be read on a computer or laptop. If you want an ebook version, write me and I’ll get one put together for you.