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Continue reading →I wanted to make it more user friendly and welcoming. Please let me know if you like it or not.
Continue reading →Dad’s the One to Like in Social Media, Gaming, Entertainment | News – Advertising Age. “Dads, even more than moms, believe they’re spending more time with their kids these days than their parents did. But how dads are spending that time skews heavily toward media, entertainment and the internet, according to a new broad-ranging survey… The Ipsos LMX Family survey… found dads are spending 50% or more time than moms with kids online, playing video games and going … Continue reading →
11 self-publishing strategies for success | Self-Publishing Resources. This is a good list: worldy, but it should give you practical things to pray about.
Continue reading →The bible is a lesser Word — in truth the baby was larger and more powerful at birth. The Bible can’t really be understood without the help of the Holy Spirit. _________________________________________________ And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth; we have beheld his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father. [John 1:14 RSV] This resounding, magnificent verse is the core of our faith. Here we have another … Continue reading →
Godly Leadership & Power. The large print version is up on Createspace and should be up on Amazon within a week or so. For some reason, the price is better here. It’s only $12.95
Continue reading →Godly Leadership & Power: I & II Timothy This is the first version of the newest release in the Easily UnderStanding Scripture series. Here’s the blurb: In-line Verse By Verse Bible Study This is a verse by verse bible study you can read! The scriptures are there followed immediately by the commentary. It is designed for enjoyable reading and easy study. Only the reading and study of the Bible can provide you with the solid foundation you … Continue reading →
Christendom Is Done , Now What Do We Do? – Desiring God. I must admit, this one surprised me. Christendom was never a good idea and I was of the opinion that it died a century ago. The reason I say good riddance is my issues with the basic concept of a “church” made up of self-sustaining legal organizations as opposed to being made up of ministries of men and women led by God. One of the quotes … Continue reading →
The church is in trouble and few do anything about it. Recognize satan’s attacks on the pastors as a real problem. Many of the new “live” churches are having just as much trouble. Statistics on Pastors – Into Thy Word Ministries. I found these statistics at the Schaeffer Institute site today. As you read them, do not think that we are infested with bad pastors (though that can be true in individual cases). The problem is that Satan … Continue reading →
What Harold Camping Got Right. This is a very interesting article by Phil Cooke in Charisma, but I think Cooke missed the real point. Nothing reaches this level of attention without spiritual power. So, the question becomes, what is the power behind the ad campaign for the end of the world [that didn’t happen]? Is God behind it? Before you dismiss this thought entirely, it might be the power of God—at least in part. If we read … Continue reading →
This is the rough draft of a third portion of “The New Publisher” which will be a guide to ministers, ministries, and non-profits who need to get their vision out to their people. This new paradigm of the 21st century radically changes things. It gives us an opportunity we should not pass up. Formatting basics Designing your paragraphs We need to talk a bit about setting up your paragraphs. Again most of this knowledge is assumed by … Continue reading →