Biblical Reality brings clarity to the seeming chaos of the endBiblical Reality brings clarity to salvation as the church age comes to an end. Soon all the believers in Yeshua the Messiah will be called home. In English that is Jesus Christ who is coming to take us back with Him.

The church has been brought back to the beginning with immense experience and new knowledge. Starting with Luther, the Lord has brought back the primacy of faith, adding the necessity of birth from God and universal evangelism, opening us up to the power of the Holy Spirit, then the joys of discipleship and corporate worship, arriving at where we are today.

Believers have all the power of our Messiah available by faith to anyone who has met Yeshua and come to know Him. More than that, since Israel came home we have learned many things that were unintelligible to Daniel when the angel told him to shut the book until this day we are living in.

Biblical Reality has brought us to knowing our betrothed is coming—soon

We see Russia, Iran, Turkey, Sudan, and Libya coming together. We can see that Iran is realizing how much help it needs. Everything is falling into place. The evacuation of the church is at hand.

So, what are we supposed to? We are to live quietly, minding our own business, occupying until He comes. The Lord has given us all things to do while we wait. We are to be faithful to our call, rejoicing in the soon-coming reality. If you don’t have anything to do, ask Yeshua what He wants you to be working on.

We are clearly living in Bible Times again. The pages of the scriptures have come alive in the daily news. Our Lord and King is responding to our need and showing us how to do what we need to do.

The book is available now. There will be many more distributor links in the next few days.
