New Styles for ePUBs in InDesign
New Styles for ePUBs in InDesign —this is one of the wonderful things I discovered while I was researching and testing for the revised procedures for making excellent ePUBs in my new book, Niche Publishing for Believers Using InDesign.
I was just going edit/proof my old Book Publishing book. It’s twelve years old or a little more. But as I got into it, I ended up with a massive revision. I have learned so much in the past decade—I had no idea how much.
But one of the biggies for me was how you can use paragraph Borders & Shading to produce not only the illusion of Paragraph Rules. But more than that I made several paragraphs for Tips, tricks, & comments. They really look good.
Look at the capture above—it’s from an ePUB I just made to test some more things out. As you can see, four of the first five paragraphs are using Borders & Shading. The one with “New try” as the copy looks remarkably like a subhead using a gradient paragraph rule. I just made the ePUB to proof my little things I put together.
But it’s a simple two word paragraph with shading (the gradient box) and a left border (the thick read line). The capture is what you see in the ePUB in Books on my iPad.
New Styles for ePUBs in InDesign only work in Books and Thorium Reader
I have always used Books and have been appalled by Kindle. But I discovered that if you embed fonts and convert your lists to text that Books and Thorium are the best, but Kobo and Nook do very well as well. Kindle still strips a lot out when you convert your uploaded ePUB. But you can do a lot better with Kindle as well.
An ongoing ePUB proof helps a lot while you design
I think you’ll really enjoy the new book.
My prayer is that it’s truly helpful to you as you publish. I’l be doing small posts like this just to show you some of the new stuff. It’s really been fun.