But, eliminating frustration is possible
Yes, eliminating frustration is possible and more than that, a major part of maturing in the Lord. We need to learn how, and it’s simple. I was discussing this in my latest novel this morning. I felt the Lord wanted me to share it with you. Here’s the passage:
Thomas was upset and grumpy. He had spent the entire morning trying to get a workspace set up with no success. It was very dangerous, even deadly, if he didn’t get it fixed. [ed: Thomas was a new believer. He had gotten extremely frustrated, to the place where he was non-functional. Larry was his pastor, mentoring him in the scriptures.]
Larry put a halt to it. “Let’s pray. Lord Jesus, Thomas has a real problem here. I know that if you have called him to do this, you have a solution. We ask you to reveal it to us, or lead us to a person who could build it. But, for now, I ask you to be merciful to my brother and give him your peace. I ask you for a time of refreshing for him, so we can study your scriptures. I ask for the anointing, Jesus, to be able to teach this dear man, and help him to get his focus back on you.”
Thomas grumped out an “Amen.”
“All right,” commanded Larry softly. “It’s time to get yourself under control. Your reaction can quickly lead you to a serious spiritual problem. Life is frustrating. I’ve fought my rage over things like this for my whole life. In fact, before the Lord showed me how to deal with it spiritually, my life was severely hampered by depression because of it.
“I suspect you have also. But, you need to learn how gain freedom from this wasting habitual response. First things first, are you ready to learn how to get things like this fixed? I’m not talking about stuffing your emotions. But it will take some effort on your part. Are you willing to do that? The ways of the Kingdom are different. I recognize that. But, your response is of the flesh and can end up in sin very quickly.”
Thomas was startled. “Of course. I had no idea.”
Eliminating frustration is possible and simple
“All right, just like learning to work under the anointing requires holiness, getting frustration under control requires the same level of trust. Hebrews tells us that without faith it is impossible to please God. The best definition of faith I know is trusting in one who is able. You just met the only one who is able. Believe me, you are not able. You are learning that you have help in all levels of your life—including this one.
“Frustration is from two basic sources. It comes because you cannot figure out a solution to a problem. That’s understandable and I’ll show you how to deal with that.
“But, there’s a much larger problem than that. Frustration is one of Satan’s major tools. The world is designed to frustrate all of us, individually and in groups.
“In the Kingdom, the world is controlled by Satan. He gained rulership over the world when Adam and Eve sinned. But we’re not talking about the planet.
“The world in Greek is kosmos and it is described as the entire world system, including: the economic system, the legal system, government, law enforcement, politics, the health system, the educational system, the entertainment system, and all the rest. What the world calls civilization.
“The kosmos is designed to make men and women frustrated, enraged, picked on, helpless, fearful, confused, and hopeless. The Enemy knows that he does not have the power to simply kill you. He has to get people to do that for him.
His basic strategy is sin. If he can trap you in sin, then he has killed you—because you are going to hell. You will discover that this level of frustration is largely eliminated when you realize who is behind it.
“The only way to deal with the kosmos is war. The world system must be destroyed. That is what the Lord will do very soon, before He comes back to reign as King over the entire planet. The first time the Lord had to get the kosmos eliminated, He sent the Flood. Only Noah and his family were saved. He had to kill everyone else.
“More than that He had to radically rebuild the entire surface of the planet. He needed a planet which could train mankind on a very deep level. Our fallen world does that very well. The same thing will happen again in the near future, resulting in a very different type of training.
“But the frustration over your inadequacies and inabilities is completely different. Paul wrote that these temptations to sin are common to man, but the Lord will always show you the way of escape.
“Unresolved, frustration commonly leads you into rage, and that results in depression. As a believer, you have help. The Holy Spirit will show you the solution. Your personal frustration was solved by your rebirth. However, it takes a little work to make that real in your life.
“First, as usual, you need to give it over to Jesus. Talk to Him about it. Tell Him, to remind yourself, that you are trusting Him to show you the solution. It doesn’t require a lengthy explanation. He lives within you and he can see what your problems are. But as always, you need to ask for the solution. That is where faith comes in. You ask and trust.
“Then you leave the problem with Him and go about your business. Do something else, until He provides the solution. I’m pretty sure I know where you can find your solution. But you need to understand how to deal with it, first. Eventually, this will become normal to you. But turning to Jesus always, habitually, is what Paul told us in Romans twelve. We present ourselves as a living sacrifice—sacrifices are killed. The result is that we are transformed by the renewing of our mind.
That is never automatic. The enemy and our soul and flesh fight that tooth and nail. But it always works—simple, but not easy. as usual.