Some unspoken assumptions rarely admitted
Some unspoken assumptions rarely admitted for believers in America these days should be mentioned. I noticed one of my bumper stickers for sale & chuckled. Yeshua Adonai LIKE IT OR NOT. Just a straightforward statement of Truth—right?
I regularly see someone on the tube—usually a maker on YouTube—and wish to myself that I could just say to him or her, “You know, it really doesn’t matter what you personally like or believe. The Truth is that Jesus is the Creator and Ruler of the Universe. Deal with it now, please. Otherwise, you’ll be dealing with it later.” Of course, I’ve never had that opportunity. Yet, Jesus is Lord.
Some unspoken assumptions rarely admitted are at the core of reality
I really don’t care if you are a donkey or elephant, a white/black/brown/red/yellow, American/European/Asian/African. Southern or Northern hemisphere doesn’t matter either. Socialism or democracy has no real bearing on things. Reality is a monarchy ruled by a benevolent king.
I’ve been a dedicated monarchist for nearly fifty years now. I’m convinced I’ll never die and that I’ll be with my spouse eternally. But, I really didn’t say that. It just wouldn’t be proper. I mean it would be cruel to tell a Black Lives Matter activist that she will one day stand before my eternal mate and give an account of everything she’s ever done or said. It just wouldn’t be nice.
Here’s a freebie: to the gender confused—are you an XX or an XY?
The distortions of our sin-ravaged world have produced many perversions
Our unspoken assumptions, admitted or not, have no affect on reality. That’s the funny thing about Absolute Truth. It’s true regardless—believe it or not—like it or not. But I encourage you to admit your unspoken assumptions—at least to yourself. It will help you a lot in daily living.
Here’s another freebie: we’re all descended from Noah.