Natural birth pangs growing intensely
Natural birth pangs are growing intensely as 2020 moves on. The now normal reaction is, “Don’t bother me, it’s nothing new.” But they’re now closer & harder—and increasingly they are affecting the entire world.
This month Lamb & Lion Ministries sent out their May Lamplighter magazine entitled The Signs of Nature. I support this excellent and trusted resource of prophetic news and information. The links are for free PDF downloads.
Natural birth pangs growing intensely and who listens?
The first major headline in the Lamplighter asks, Does God still speak through signs of nature? The answer is, “Of course!” Yet, these signs are the most easy to ignore, in our culture. You can see some of the recent headlines listed in the bullets below.
However, something is new. These natural events increasingly affect the entire world. The locust plagues in Africa, the Middle East, Pakistan, and India threaten famine on a near-global scale. The articles linked below are all from 2020 and disasters are nearly happening daily.
Recent headlines about natural birth pangs trying to avoid yellow journalism
- Large earthquakes in the past 30 days — most are not reported in the news any more
- “Locust Plague of Biblical Proportions Threatens African Famine” Wired April 26, 2020
- The locust plague: Fighting a crisis within a crisis — World Bank Blog April 14, 2020
- “Historic, Unprecedented Flooding Swamps Southern USA”, Febuary 17, 2020.
- “Global Crop Failures Continue”, Febuary 19, 2020.
- “Astronomers Discover Eleven Dangerous Asteroids That Could Impact the Earth”, March 6, 2020.
- West’s Dust Bowl now “Locked In” as world risks imminent food crisis January 6, 2020
Notice that I’ve written all of this without mentioning COVID-19 until now
The plague panic is making everything mentioned before now are far worse threat. Notice: even now that I’ve mentioned the plague, I haven’t mentioned the economic/financial crisis caused by everything I talked about so far.
Relax: none of this is a surprise to any of us who have been teaching about Biblical prophecy
It’s certainly not a surprise to the Lord. God is sovereign. He hasn’t caused these things. Our loving God has allowed these things to get our attention. The Biblical advice remains the same. Get ready, those of you who are already in the Kingdom of the Messiah. Turn to the Lord if you don’t know Him personally yet. For those of us who know the Lord will escape the wrath which is coming. The Lord’s command is clear, yes, it’s set in red in your Bible.
Therefore watch always and pray that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will happen and to stand before the Son of Man. Luke 21:36 MEV
Rejoice! We are living in Bible Times! Maranatha!
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