Returning to InDesign CC (2014)
Some of you have wondered why there’s been no update to CC (2015) in the book. Basically nothing was changed, I thought. So, I found no reason to update though I was using the new version for my production. It works very well.
However, I’ve come to the conclusion that I need to temporarily go back to (2014) for InDesign. I’ve been working a very limited schedule lately due to other things I need to get done. So, I have done very little production work. That will probably continue until September or so.
But I did a simple update to a client’s book last week, and it was a surprising hassle. It took me several unexpected hours to make ePUBs which would work. I found out today that most of the experts I know are having the same issues I am—mainly with using graphics. Until I hear of a solution to share with you, I’m returning to CC (2014).
If CC (2014) was deleted with the CC (2015) install
Mine was and I thought nothing of it. It’s not real problem, but you do need to find the old apps in the CC app so you can reinstall them. The instructions are found here.