How can I be useful to the Body of the Messiah in 2013?
This is my dilemma. I write and my heart is focused on helping my brothers and sisters in the Lord, but what does Jesus want me to do? It’s been interesting as I have become much more involved socially online. Forums like have been a joy—as is the interaction with several groups on Linked-In and FaceBook. My book sales continue to grow which is satisfying. I continue to work at my craft—both in the writing and in the book production. But opportunities to speak usefully about the spiritual walk in the new millennium are rare. Thank God for the two Bible studies He’s given me to lead.
I’ve been really surprised at how little is actually shared about what the Lord is doing in our lives. Even at church it is very hard to get people to actually talk about what the Lord is doing in their lives. In America today, He’s been pushed out of most social interactions. Intellectual dissertations are not really helpful or edifying. We talk about Scripture, but I rarely see any connection with how you are living day to day or minute to minute. I suspect I am asking too much of the online experience.
I’m reading more and more so-called Christian fiction, but there is normally no real Christian content. There is a concern to avoid bad language, sinful behavior, violence, and sex. But what does that have to do with sharing a true Christian experience in way that will inspire people to follow our example? Often, these “Christian books”only have one character mention that he or she thought about God at some point in their troubles, or maybe he or she walked into a church.
What I am doing is trying to determine where the Lord is leading. I got a chance to design a font over the weekend, but I feel that is a distraction to my life at this point—so I turned it down. I just finished designing and formatting a new book for some missionaries to the street children of Acapulco. It’s a good book and that was satisfying. I’m working on a definitive book production book for DIY publishers. I feel like I finally know enough to help here.
Mainly I’m just waiting for instructions this morning and fighting off a cold. But I’m hopeful. I feel like I am much closer to the Lord this year than I was last year at this time. The path is still the normal faith walk—one stepping stone at a time emerging out of the murk that is the world at this point.
Let’s see what the Lord will do this year
It should be fun and satisfying. He may take us out this year. That looks like a real possibility. Maranatha!