Spiritually cleaning up your work place
Spiritually cleaning up your work place does not have anything to do with the drek seen from Hollywood.
Office help: let’s start with the basics
As I ramp up to start producing help for you in your daily work, it strikes me that the most basic things are often forgotten. So, let’s start with something real basic.
Gaining spiritual control of your office
As we get started on this we need to talk about some basics of warfare. Rest assured, it would be extremely easy to prove to you (if you don’t already know) that the Christian walk is warfare. As a soldier on duty, you have some things you need to take care of for simple protection.
The enemy will do anything he can do with no guilt or compunction. Satan wants to destroy you. He wants to confuse your office and thwart any real ministry or communication to help your church or ministry. He wants your equipment to break, your suppliers to make mistakes, the members of your congregation to hate you, and all the rest of the attacks that happen to church and ministry staff on a daily basis.
But he cannot override your authority, and he has no power over any part of the Kingdom of God. If you are the office manager, you have both the responsibility and the authority to clean up your office spiritually and give you and the rest of your staff peace. More than that it is simple and easy to do.
Maintaining spiritual security in the midst of a war
The real problem is realizing that we are in a war—that we volunteered to fight in this war, that the weapons of our warfare are spiritual, not physical, and that the enemy is totally ruthless, brutal, nasty, and hateful. Let’s take a little reminder from Ephesians 6:
Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. [Ephesians 6:11-12 ESV]
What this means in day to day work in your office is that we must take this walking in the Spirit thing seriously. It is life and death. In the kingdom of God we have a wonderful world with a truly good King. He called us and we serve him—liege warriors in the service of our King. We are to be vigilant, observant, available, and alert. Most important, none of this can be done without the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. We need to take these things seriously and get with the program. Paul talks about it in Ephesians 5:15-16 (again in the ESV).
Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.
We need to be prepared for action and on guard against an enemy who is truly after us. We are not paranoid. We are warriors.
The spiritual battle never ends until the Lord returns
Most people are completely unaware of the spiritual world before they are born again from above. Did you know anything about this before you met Jesus?
Before you Gentiles knew God, you were slaves to so-called gods that do not even exist. So now that you know God (or should I say, now that God knows you), why do you want to go back again and become slaves once more to the weak and useless spirits of this world? [Galatians 4: 8-9 NLT]
This phrase is similar to the one found in Colossians 2: “the elemental spirits of the universe” in the RSV. It is easy for us to dismiss these things as ancient superstitions, but that is really not the case. What has happened is that these spirits have gone underground in America today and we do not talk about them anymore—but they have not gone away.
Paul calls them weak and useless, or worthless, and this is certainly true. However, many of these so-called gods, like Buddhas, kokopellis, kachinas, totems, and the like have demon spirits attached to them. They are only a harassment to believers, but cleaning them up or getting rid of them is a normal part of Christian living. Their harassment can distract you to the point where you are spiritually non-functional.
Many of the things we can purchase today are made in other countries. Many of these items, while they are being made, are prayed over during their construction. All we have to do is clean them up with a simple prayer (see below). They are nothing to be afraid of—as Jesus’ power and position makes them into a bad (but still evil) joke. But you should be aware that these things are real.
Is there a demon under every bush?
One of the problems you will have as you begin to have victory in spiritual warfare is the tendency to blame everything on demons. Most of the time the trouble will be the fallen state of the world or your own sinful nature. However, there is reality here and many times you will see quick and powerful deliverance with a simple quiet prayer.
No! You do not need to shout. The power comes from Jesus, not the strength of your voice. Don’t give the evil one more glory and attention than you give God.
Where do we run across these spirits?
We have found that we drag them into work with purchases we make—especially purchases of products made in countries where these spirits are worshipped like India, Bali, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, China, and so on. You should check out the country of origin when you buy. If you start having strange dreams, irrational anger, and things like that—something rode in on something or someone. It’s no big deal, but we find that we have to spiritually clean everything we buy and bring into the office any more.
Of course, nonbelievers in our spaces can drag things in also. You cannot assume that all church members are true believers. Many of them are dragging spiritual baggage and bondage around with them. I used to pray for my classroom every morning before I started teaching. I found I had authority over my lab, but nowhere else at that school. But the lab I used full-time, where I taught all my classes, was given to me by the Lord as my spiritual responsibility. Praying made a great difference to my students—though they had no idea that this was even going on. There were some students who were into wicca and the like who were obviously frustrated by the cleansed and protected spiritual environment of that lab.
The same was true in my wife’s church. She had powerful authority to keep the church facilities spiritually clean. She had authority to expose and eliminate gossip. As the church administrator, I had authority to keep the equipment running and the rented space free from mechanical problems. We never had a breakdown where someone wasn’t there to deal with it on the spot as soon as it happened, for example. We had a toilet break and make a horrible mess, but it happened before church, during Sunday School, and we had it cleaned up and dealt with before church started. God will really help you in these areas.
It just takes a simple prayer
You can pray something like this:
“Lord, bless this office and thwart the plans of the enemy in our work. Amen”
“Any demons attached to these things we just bought (or any bad spirits brought in here by non-believers), we bind you and cast you out of this place. Father, in Jesus’ name, clean up these things (or this office) and bless it for our use. Protect our loved ones and pets at home. Keep us safe and make our workplace a sanctuary for your Holy Spirit to use for your glory.”
Spiritual office cleaning?
As office manager, or simply the master of your personal space or desk, you are responsible to keep that space spiritually clean. This is an ongoing duty and a responsibility of yours.
For example, over the past week at home I started noticing that Pat and I were being disturbed with bad dreams. I started noticing that even when I was dozing in my chair my mind would immediately wander off into strange thoughts. This has not been happening for many months. Lately, my mind has been wandering off into thoughts of the Lord, praise, and worship.
The stupid thing was that I put up with this for more than a week. Finally, yesterday I came to my senses and cleaned house. Last night we both slept well for the first time in a long time and neither of us had bad or disturbing dreams. It was a joy this morning to see my wife wake up relaxed and refreshed.
You should regularly command all bad spirits to leave your workplace (that which the Lord has given you responsibility for) and ask the Holy Spirit to fill your space with His presence, wisdom, and love. He’s pleased to do that in response to a simple request. Again, prayer volume has no special beneficial affect.
This is just the normal spiritual cleaning that you should be doing on a regular basis as the head of your work environment. Many times you will need to be specific and cleanse every room in your office or workspace—room by room, area by area. House blessings are real. Office blessings work the same way.
If you haven’t blessed your office, do so today. Of course it gets more complicated if you are working with others who may not be believers. You probably have church members who leave behind bad feelings and dissension that lasts for days or longer. You can only cover what you have authority over. You cannot clean the people up (only the Lord can do that). But you can bind their spiritual influence while they are there and clean out the office after they leave.
Ask the Lord what your responsibilities are
Office managers, youth leaders, Sunday School teachers, church secretaries, you are spiritually responsible for where you work. For example, if you are working for a pastor who does not believe in spiritual warfare, your authority will be limited to your areas of the responsibility. You will be able to protect yourself regardless, but cleaning the whole church or even your cubbyhole may be beyond your authority (if other people use it also).
The Lord is not going to override the will of those overseeing the property. He’s a gentleman and only goes where He is invited. It is interesting to see what works and what does not work.
For example, we lost much of our authority to pray for our daughter when she grew up—especially when she got married. We got a lot of it back after her divorce, when she asked us to pray for her and the children. Now that she has remarried, our authority is limited again. But this is why some prayers never seem to be answered. You do not have the authority.
For example, when praying for the United States, your authority is on a completely different level than the person who has the responsibility, the president. Pray that President Obama learns this. Governors, mayors, CEOs, pastors, elders, youth leaders and people with responsibility need to be praying. If you are the head of your department, teacher in a specific classroom, leader of a Bible study, and so on, you need to be praying to keep your ministry and the area where you minister clean and holy. No matter what your job, we all have areas of responsibility and the authority to back it up. You need to be constantly aware of your responsibilities. God will give you the authority to protect those areas of responsibility.
If you do not have the authority, pray for those who do have the authority in these situations which effect your life.
If you have any questions, just write and ask.
Question – I have been searching about spiritual warefare in the church actually. You mentioned making sure you have the authority to pray over certain areas. I have been praying over our church I am an ordained elder and also the pastor’s wife because I have seen spiritual warefare against the ministry. One of the areas specifically is prayer – our church members do not want to come out and pray corporately. I have created a prayer manual with my husband asking me to do so and we have had corporate prayer for a month focusing on praying specifically each day and meeting at the end to pray on the last day. The congregants take the manuals but the Holy Spirit reveals to me they some are praying against the prayers in the manual – prayer against the body uniting and praying against the Holy Spirit truly having authority in this place.
I think there are some old spirits there that resist me as my husband and I have been married 5 years and the church is 10 years old. So some of the women in the church are praying against (I feel) against the marriage and the things of GOD! I am a prayer warrior and have been prior to this ministry and constantly pray and have seen some things moved and been dealt with. Do I have that authority is what I’m asking. I have been praying for my husband that he would be cognizant! Thanks for the article I will be praying that he sees and recognize the spiritual warefare and began to pray against it as well.
Blessings, Paula
You’ve got a big job. I’m not sure how this applies to you, but it seems as if we need to pray that the Lord will raise up some prayer warriors to support you and your husband. The attacks on the spiritual leadership of any church are amazingly intense. The enemy knows that if he can damage the leadership the whole congregation is in trouble. Jesus, I ask in your name that you raise up a warrior band of intercessors to support Paula and her husband in their ministry. Break through the attacks of the enemy and bring victory. Father, I ask that you give them clear vision of their mission and wisdom about the attacks coming against them. Again, I ask these things in Jesus’ name. Amen
I am a consultant and recently I was made aware that the firm I associate with has its leadership using occult powers. They pause as Godly but I always sensed some force that was around them that intimidated staff and just broke everyone’s spirit to work. Whenever we are out on assignment I always get attacks of running stomachs, headaches or constipation (no toilet for even one week). I get disjointed thoughts and lose concentration. This I know is not of God. Recently I have started praying against their manipulation and I am experiencing release and empowerment day by day. How do I pray to break their evil schemes because their intention is to subdue brilliant people to remain working under them (as they use our talent to enrich themselves) and never fulfill destiny. I work from my house but regularly go to their offices for assignments and briefings.
I would like to break away from them and start my own business but they openly oppose this. My husband (a non-believer) is in the same field of consultancy but we are not able to agree on the simplest of things and yet the potential we have is huge.
Thank you for your help. God Bless you.
Ask the Lord to protect you. Bind the demons sent to attack you and forbid them to attack you or your husband (or your children or pets if you have any). Ask the Holy spirit to give you favor. Then comes the hard part. Trust him. He promised so stand on his promise. He will hear your prayer. You be Godly and let the Lord cover the rest. He protected Daniel in the lion’s den and the three young men in the fiery furnace. He can surely protect you.
I work in the post secondary education system, and the company I work for is very crooked in how they deal with employees. Additionally, some of the employees are crooked with how they deal with students but they seem to be overlooked and get away with it. Since July almost every week a person loses their job, this monday that just pass 3 people were fired. I am the youngest of my department and there’s another woman and she has consistently and deliberately found ways to sabotage me or affect my work. I have lost a lot of sleep and weight over this. Are there any additional strategic prayer paths to pray, that you could suggest?
I worked for several companies like you are describing. Here would be my basic plan of attack—modified by what the Lord tells you to do. First, any area in the company for which you are responsible you have the spiritual authority to control. In my case at the large community college I taught at in Albuquerque, this was my lab where I taught all my classes. So, you can clean up those areas, stop the enemy’s attacks within that area, and bind any demons who try to ride into that area to cause you trouble. Second, pray for the Lord’s favor with your supervisors. Pray for the salvation and blessing of those in authority over you. Third, hove no part in the darkness. As much as possible stay away from it and refuse to participate in any sin. Ask the Lord for a safe place to work. Seek the face of the Lord about whether or not you should be looking for work elsewhere. You may be the only speck of light in the company and He plans to use you within it. On the other hand, if it is a time a trial for you, you want the Lord to let you know as soon as it is all right for you to leave.
Hi there, if I get permission from my supervisor who is in charge of our branch to pray and cleanse, would that mean that I would have authority to pray and cleanse?
That would be my assumption. If you are given that responsibility, you have the authority.
A couple of things: I am a pastor and I work full time. Initially I was hired by a woman who retired shortly afterwards. She hired an individual who never had a higher position as this. This woman has a personality disorder and the board is unaware of. Of course they love her because she changes furniture around but is not a good communicator at all. As managers we are suppose to work together, she is moody and act as though she literally hate me. Very controlling since she has been here I no longer have any authority. I have more education and experience in the work force than she does. She was working here at night quiet her day job. Complaining God was going to work it out. The lady whose position she now holds, retired and just gave her the job. She was a Christian so she reported but constantly use profanity. I never know what mood she is going to be in. There are days she is ok other days I try to stay out of her site. I pray and ask God to fight my battle for me most days. I do believe she has some type of demonic influence and jealoucy
Hi Pastor Jewell,
The problem is not her, it is you and how you are going to act and react to her presence. If you are a called pastor, Jesus will fight your fights for you. You are to love her, pray for her, and focus on what God wants you to do in your ministry. If you are doing what he wants you to be doing he will take care of her and all the rest of it. Just make sure you are hearing God clearly. Do what ever it takes to get as close as possible to Jesus. God provides the authority needed when you are responsible to do the tasks he has called you to do. Paul told us in Romans 13 that all authority comes from God. You be obedient to his call and He will work it all out.