Learning to walk in freedom, Part 8: Galations 3: 19b-29
This week we talk a bit about the bondage of the law and why God gave it to us. HINT: It was not to bring about a “good” or “perfect” society.
It certainly was not to bring life or any of the fruit of the Spirit.
Galatians 3:19b–20
The law was given through angels who used Moses for a mediator to give the law to people. But a mediator is not needed when there is only one side, and God is only one. [New Century Version]
This seems to be another little argument Paul tossed in there that has little to do with us today. Scripture itself says nothing about angels giving the law. It says God gave the law. So, this is probably from Jewish commentary. But then, that may just be my ignorance. What do you think?
Verse 3:21–22
Does this mean that the law is contrary to God’s promises? Certainly not! If God had given a law that could bring life, then being right with God would be possible legally. Instead, the Scriptures used the Law to show that the whole world is bound by sin. This was done in order that the promise would be given through faith to people who believe in Jesus Christ.
This is a pretty stunning view of the law. It puts its purpose as decidedly secondary. Christians are not to live by the rule of law, but by faith walking in obedience to the Spirit of God. The truly radical nature of what Jesus did becomes apparent. The law has nothing to do with our righteousness—other than to show us convincingly that we have none of our own. The law’s job is only to prove our sinfulness.
Verse 3:23–26
Before faith came, we were all held confined under the law—imprisoned until faith was revealed. In other words, the law was our guardian until the Messiah was revealed so that we could be made right with God through faith. Now that faith has come, we no longer live under a guardian—for in the Messiah we are all children of God through faith.
This is the greatest statement of freedom and liberty in the history of the world! We are free from legalistic bondage—free to walk by faith, responding to the leading of the Holy Spirit. We no longer need a guardian because the King lives within us.
Now that faith has come…
What does this mean to you personally? How are you supposed to relate to our old guardian—the Law? This puts Jesus as the fulfillment of the law—in Him the law is fulfilled. So we must be in Him. This is the importance of Gal 2:20, “the life I now live I live by the faith of Jesus”. I live by His faith—not by faith IN Jesus, but by His faith. His faith is part of the package I receive when I die and am born from above. I get Jesus’s faith. I simply need to follow His lead by the power of His spirit. Of course, this means I can never relax and assume it is all covered. I must be in constant contact with my faith, with the power to make me righteous.
Living by faith is the replacement for the law. Only it can enable us to follow the law. If we keep our eyes upon Jesus and follow His lead, He will make sure we are no longer law breakers.
Verse 3:27–29
And all who have been united with Jesus in baptism have put on the Messiah, like putting on new clothes. There is no longer Jew or Gentile, slave or free, male or female. For you are all one in Jesus the Messiah. And now that you are within the body of the Messiah, you are the true seed of Abraham—heirs according to the promise of God.
It’s a truly radical thing we are involved with. Stature, culture, and position, as well as gender, have no meaning to us in the body of Christ. Of course, this is a statement of faith that rarely works the way it was designed by the Lord. But that is because of our fallen nature, our flesh, our habits, and our training which continue to guide us in the old ways of the world.
This, by the way, is the basic answer to women in ministry. Gender is meaningless in the Kingdom. It is all up to the calling and leading of the Holy spirit.
One of the ways we can tell if a movement is really of God is by the people who become involved in it. True moves of God are populated by all walks of life, all races, both sexes, all ages, all abilities. Everyone works together for the common good—taking their place naturally according to the gifts and callings bestowed on each individual by the Holy Spirit.
What limits your ministry?
God has no limits—we do! If He calls you to a work, you can do it. What do you do if the Christian group or organization will not allow what you think God has called you to do? Ask God what to do. Ask Him to open the doors. Follow His lead. It is not up to you to make a place for your ministry. He will do it if He has called you to a work.
You are not limited by your flesh. It doesn’t matter if you are rich or poor, smart or a little slower than that, beautiful or not, athletic or not. Your sex doesn’t matter. Your position in society, your education, none of that limits your ministry. All that matters is God’s call on your life.
Respond to the call of Jesus. Always!
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