If design is your calling, it’s your ministry
Oh my God — NO! We do not need Bible thumping obnoxious brats in graphic design.
We are to be salt, not spice
One of the most difficult things for a new Christian to realize is that beating people over the head with Jesus is counter-productive. Jesus called us the salt of the world. Salt has a very special job and it is used in very special ways when we eat.
Salt is a preservative
It keeps things from spoiling. I think the scripture that explains this might seem to be a strange one to you. I think it is
2 Thessalonians 2:6-7 (English Standard Version)
And you know what is restraining him now so that he may be revealed in his time. For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work. Only he who now restrains it will do so until he is out of the way.
In a special way, the Holy Spirit in us is preserving the world until the antichrist is revealed. The situations where we live, work, play, and socialize are preserved from wrath by our presence, character, and quiet witness.
Salt is dispersed on a molecular level
A clump of salt in food does not taste good. It ruins the food. In the same way, a clump of christians in a business or organization is usually not a good witness but tastes bad in the culture of that business or organization.
Salt is dispersed on a molecular level and the true believers I see in the world are dispersed one to a location to be that good quiet witness the Lord needs in that place. I just put the following on the Radiqx home page:
Do all that you do for the Lord
If He has called you to be a designer, design is your ministry—& that’s probably not going to be decoupage of Durer’s praying hands
You will be working as a Christian with clients who are probably not. What you have to offer is your witness & remember that a witness is very limited:
- Answers Only Direct Questions
- Only Shares What Has Been Seen Or Experienced
- Is Only Believed If You Have A Good Reputation
- Must Be Consistent & Reliable