Marketing to the Mature (we’re not senior, we’re now the norm)
There was an excellent article in eM+C today on design tips for Websites used by seniors.
I’ve been talking about this for years, but now I are one. The modern mature adult (don’t like senior, elderly, old man, & the like) is a very different person than our youth-driven culture is used to. Things are going to change radically now that we are becoming the majority. I think I recall that those over 50 become the majority in Minnesota this year.
Like I said, the article is good, but I wanted to offer some of my observations about the habits of my wife & me and the friends we know who are our age.
- We value Quality and Service over cheap and quick: Studies I have seen suggest that we are willing to pay 10% to 25% more and wait several extra days or more to get the quality and service we require.
- Disposable is no longer a desirable attribute
- Fashion and coolness mean very little
- Character and integrity mean more than celebrity or following
- Valuable experience counts much more than entertainment