Free serialized novel: Black Sail, Invasion: every Tuesday
This is to announce that I will be offering you a chapter a week from my new novel. Actually, it will be from my old novel—which was so poorly written that it needs a radical rewrite. I won’t even tell you the name of the original [it’s too embarrassing]. It only sold a few copies, and no one will miss it.
It’s a story of a dedicated group of believers who find themselves on the front line fighting an invading army. America is attacked and invaded from the south. Believe it or not, the president lets it slide. But then, if you knew him, you wouldn’t be surprised.
Stones [born Deborah Stoner] gets sucked into the mess in the first chapter which will be available on Tuesday, June 19, 2012. Those of you who are bi-coastal, and even those of you in the fly-over, have no idea how bad it has gotten in the Old Southwest.
Cinco de Mayo has new meaning: Aztlan arises!
What has been talked about for decades has come to pass. Southwestern United States is invaded and a reborn Aztec nation is born. This is no idle threat for the invaders have control of nukes and the latest in air and naval power delivered by a pair of highly placed American military traitors willing to use them. Our military is immobilized through demographic conquest, treachery, and the new tactics born of insurgency and terrorism, plus a weak President controlled by a corrupt Secretary of State.
Our only hope is a legendary CIA assassin. But she retired years ago and became a pastor. With her husband, they have a small private company developing arms and weaponry for Sandia Lab and the spec op community, Black Sail. Their band of unlikely heroes includes a Navajo Apache throwback warrior/hacker, a black NASCAR genius/gunsmith, and a daughter put out of commission by a Pakistani bullet in a spec op gone south. How can they possibly stem the tide?
looking forward to your new novel. It sounds a little real life, southwest and all
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